Posts Tagged ‘newspapers’

Daily Reading Materials – Part 1

This is the first part of a 3 day series listing my favorite daily media sources. Enjoy!

Today’s medium is the newspaper! To be honest, this is the medium that I read the least, but they are definitely part of my daily reading materials. Those few minutes of down time while eating breakfast allow me to gain a small bit of insight of what’s happening in the world through newspapers. With that said, here are the newspapers that I take a look at daily:

The Wall Street Journal


The WSJ is probably the most respected source of business and financial news… anywhere.

The New York Times


The NYT has top-notch coverage of all breaking news, and expansive coverage of events throughout the world.

The Star-Ledger


My surrounding area news. Always interesting to see whats going on.

Tomorrow is magazines, check back soon.


07 2009